Seafield Conservation Forum is a non-profit unincorporated association led by a team of unpaid volunteers. The Forum is a Clare Public Participation Network member.
Co-Moderators organise the work and activities of the Forum on a thematic basis:
Dune conservation and restoration
Training and upskilling
Resources management
Beach cleanups and blitzes
Media and communications
Volunteers choose the activities they would like to participate in based on their interests and the time they have available to devote to the cause!
All of the work undertaken by Seafield Conservation Forum is in pursuit of the group’s primary and subsidiary objects.
Primary Objects of the Group:
(a) To protect, restore and conserve the sand dune system located at Seafield, Quilty Co. Clare.
(b) To support the development and implementation of a coastal erosion plan for Seafield, Quilty, Co. Clare.
Subsidiary Objects of Seafield Conservation Forum:
As objects incidental and ancillary to the attainment of the Main Object, Seafield
Conservation Forum shall have the following subsidiary objects:
To work with stakeholders at countywide and national levels to develop and implement a multi-year Integrated Coastal Erosion Management Plan to manage all aspects of coastal erosion and sand dune conversation in Seafield, County Clare.
To protect and preserve the rich biodiversity and natural habitat of the sand dune system in Seafield.
To encourage the appreciation of the natural environment among stakeholders.
To raise awareness of the challenges of coastal erosion among stakeholders at county and national level.
To support the work of environmental groups and the National Parks and Wildlife Service who are committed to combating the challenges faced by sea life and bird life in the Mid-Clare Coast Special Protection Area.
To support the work of landowners in the area who are committed to protecting their properties from the effects of coastal erosion and sand dune degradation.
To support the work of Clare County Council in the enforcement of the Council by-laws relating to Seafield beach and sand dunes complex.
If you would like to learn more about volunteering opportunities with Seafield Conservation Forum, please follow us on Instagram or Facebook. Alternatively, use the Contact form on this site to submit enquiries to the Co-Moderator team.