Protecting the dunes for the future generations

What are the issues?

The dune system in Seafield is eroding at a rapid pace. This is because of coastal erosion impacting the West Clare coast and because of human activity in the area. View ‘Disappearing Dunes’ to hear Phoebe O’Brien explain the current situation in Seafield and Doonbeg.

How can you help to protect the dunes and beaches?

Stay off the outer edges of the dunes to avoid damaging marram grass.

Scoop the poop when walking dogs.

Dispose of litter in the bins provided on Seafield Pier.

Do not light campfires or BBQ in the sand dunes.

Do not camp, park or drive onto the sand dunes.

Who is Seafield Conservation Forum?

We are a voluntary association dedicated to addressing coastal erosion and to the restoration and conservation of Seafield sand dunes in West Clare. We work  in co-operation with statutory agencies, local authority and environmental groups, and with the farmers and landowners who privately own the sand dune system referred to locally as Seafield Commonage.

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